The greatest influence on me being the father I am comes from how my dad approached the calling. Granted he had plenty experience before I came along since I was child #7, but his efforts to raise me so impressed me as to make me want to be a wonderful father as well.

Ol' HG never gave me cause to wonder about my value to him as a son or human. I understood to give proper respect to authority, women, and life not because he demanded it from me, but because of his character showing such respect to others. If I have any liberal view of the world it is from his wisdom when speaking of civil rights and compassion in helping and giving to others. When creating or repairing any item, my perspective is influenced by a man that could make anything work given baling wire, epoxy, and a tool found roadside. Athletic contests introduced in my youth at home were boxing, wrestling, football, basketball, and baseball. My children love the big three but have acquired a taste for soccer and Foosball. Love of the great outdoors flows genetically through our blood, feeding campfires and long hikes. Thank you dad for setting me up for a wondrously fulfilling life.
Now, what makes me the father that I am is my wife. To be a great dad, I really needed a partner that is a great mom. Never would I have become any kind of father without the constant, loving encouragement of my dear wife. I credit her for my becoming what I am today and continue to treasure her companionship in this eternal work we have commenced. Thanks dear for this wondrously fulfilling life.