Sunday, February 6, 2011

Numbers Don't Lie

What numbers do to me, for me, is to help me understand relationships both quantitatively and qualitatively.  Here's a ratio that impressed me today: there are about 6.8 billion people on earth and only 50,000 full-time missionaries, meaning that for each person to be taught by these missionaries, each companionship would have to contact about 250,000 people.  Even if each member did the contacting that would be 523 people per member.  Mass communication is the only way to go here, even if we say only a third might be interested at any given time (174 contacts to be made).  So I'm going to to do my part to increase the possibility that someone out there might get the contact they need to receive the message they'e hoping for.  I hope you also will be so impressed to take part.


Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

Wow. That is an insane number.

I made my profile a couple of months ago, but I am guessing they are swamped because they haven't approved my stuff for a couple of months.

R. L. Hall said...
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R. L. Hall said...

I have been working on my profile off and on for the last few months, but owing to my lack of focus [squirrel] I still have not finished it. Also, I cannot resist the urge to edit edit edit. I just need to go back and complete it and send it off for review. Thanks for this nice reminder of what we should be doing, and your good example.