Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Need to Create

It's always fascinating to me just how deep the desire to build, organize, and create runs naturally through the soul.  I've been blessed for the past 13 years to have a shop with plenty of tools and raw materials with which to assemble and mold physically that which exists in my mind.
Whether building a massive swing, plastic kayak, or spool adapter, it is a tremendously fulfilling activity.  I also see this in my wife as she gathers divers fabrics combined with miles of thread assembling fantastic quilts and clothes.  
It was with little surprise, then, that I find my 21 yr. old son home for just a week for the holidays wanting to build something to put on that post at our back fence.  He's young with big ideas, so we now have a big bird house.  Nicely done Todd.  The squirrels ought to love hanging out on that wrap-around porch.